Peer Review Process
The 9th Progressive and Fun Education International Conference (The 9th Profunedu) implements a peer-review policy of single-blind review, where each paper will be evaluated and reviewed in layers. The proceedings editor will evaluate the submitted paper to determine its suitability with the conference focus and scope. Once the paper is declared accepted by the committee, it is sent to two independent international reviewers. Their role is to review and recommend whether the paper is suitable enough to be presented in the conference. Based on previous conference, the acceptance rate of the paper to be presented in the conference was 70%.
List of Collaborated Journals
Proceeding Name
Proceeding Information
- Name: Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia (JPII)
- Chief-in-Editor: Dr. Parmin
- Indexing: Scopus Q1
- SJR: 0.458
- Focus and Scope:
- Science Learning in Everyday Life
- Science Teacher Education
- Science Education Policy
- Science Studies and Science Education
- Environmental Science and Education
- Science Education Theory and Practice
- Homepage:
- Template: Template JPII
- Publication Frequency: March, June, September, and December
- Name: Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies (IJIMS)
- Chief-in-Editor: Prof. Dr. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy
- Indexing: Scopus Q1
- SJR: 0.393
- Focus and Scope:
Islamic studies both as a textual tradition with its own historical integrity and as a social reality which was dynamic and constantly changing. The journal also aims at bridging the gap between the textual and contextual approaches to Islamic Studies; and solving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ Islam. So, the journal invites the intersection of several disciplines and scholars. In other words, its contributors borrowed from a range of disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences.
- Homepage:
- Template: Template IJIMS
- Publication Frequency: June and December
Publication fee: will be informed further by the conference organizer
- Chief-in-Editor: Prof. Dr. Chan Yuen Fook
- Indexed: Scopus Q2
- SJR: 0.372
- Focus and Scope:
- Internationalization of higher education
- 21st century teaching and learning
- Assessment and evaluation
- Policy and curriculum development
- Educational leadership and management
- Equity in education
- Quality assurance
- Sustainability, new norms, post-pandemic education
- Homepage:
- Template: Template AJUE
- Publication Frequency: January, April, July, October
- Name: International Journal of Language Education
- Chief in Editor: Prof. Amirullah Abduh, Ph.D.
- Indexed: Scopus Q1
- SJR: 0.18
- Focus and Scope:
IJoLE: International Journal of Language Education is an international peer reviewed and open access journal in language education. The aim is to publish conceptual and research articles that explore the application of any language in teaching and the everyday experience of language in education. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles from academics, researchers, graduate students and policy makers. All articles should be in English The scope of Journal: Assessment and testing in language learning and education Applied linguistics methodologies and issues Classroom teaching issues Culture and power in language education Curriculum development and implementation Effective methods for language teaching Diversity, multiculturalism and language education Gender, language and higher education Language skills, development, and issues Language learning and identity Literacy, Bilingualism and bilingual education Teacher training, gender and equality
- Homepage:
- Name: Infinity Journal
- Chief in Editor: Prof. Dr. Heris Hendriana
- Indexed: Scopus
- Focus and Scope:
- Mathematics Ability: reasoning, connection, communication, representation, and problem-solving
- Realistic Mathematics Education
- ICT in Mathematics Education
- Design/Development Research in Mathematics Education
- Homepage:
- Template: Click Here
- Name: Paramita: Historical Studies Journal
- Chief in Editor: Prof. Warsino
- Indexed: Scopus
- Focus and Scope:
- Historiography
- Philosophy of history
- History of education
- History education
- Homepage:
- Template: Click Here
- Name: Indonesian Journal on Learning and Advanced Education (Ijolae)
- Chief-in-Editor: Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno
- Acc: Sinta 2
- Indexing: DOAJ, Google Scholar, Garuda
- Focus and Scope:
- Advanced Education and Learning,
- Challenging Education and Learning;
- Character Education and Learning;
- Design Learning;
- Distinctive Education and Learning;
- Education Management Innovations;
- Entrepreneurship Education and Learning;
- Learning Methods on Teaching Values;
- Literacy of Education, Sains, Learning Technology;
- Political Legacies and Critical Education;
- Professional Teacher;
- Progressive Education and Learning; and
- Other Issues Innovations Education from an Excellent International Educational
- Journal Template: Template IJOLAE
- Homepage:
- Publication Frequency: January, May, September
- Name: Profesi Pendidikan Dasar (PPD)
- Chief-in-Editor: Rusnilawati, M.Pd.
- Acc: Sinta 3
- Indexing: DOAJ, Google Scholar, Garuda
- Focus and Scope:
- Instruction of primary education (natural science, social science, mathematics, languages, civics, religion, physical education, and arts),
- Curriculum of primary education,
- Management of primary education,
- Guidance and counseling of primary education,
- Psychology of primary education as well as primary school teacher education.
- Journal Template: Template PPD
- Homepage:
- Publication Frequency: July & December