
the 9th Progressive and Fun Education International Conference


Contact and Legal Notice


Event Details

the 9th Progressive and Fun Education International Conference



The following organizer is responsible for the contents of this ConfTool installation:


Jl Ahmad Yani Tromol Pos 1 Pabelan, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah

Contact Address:

Homepage URL: http://profunedu.id/2024/


This is ConfTool Standard - Conference Management Tool · Version 1.8.20

If you want to know more about ConfTool Pro, please send an e-mail to or have a look at the ConfTool Website.

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Contact and Legal Notice · Contact Address:
Conference: ProfunEdu 9th
Conference Management Software - VSIS ConfTool Standard 1.8.20
© 2001–2022 by Dr. H. Weinreich, Hamburg, Germany